Jamaica Government is considering strengthening the Trade Relation
with EU
Jamaica & EU Relations |
Although already in very good terms with EU countries, the
authorities at Jamaica are considering ways through which they can gain more
from the CARIFORUM-European Union (EU) Economic Partnership Agreement so as to
strengthen its trade relationships with the 27-member EU. Before hiring any Air Cargo to Africa from UK service,
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A little Flashback:
The EPA between EU and the Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM) came active
in 2009. CARIFORUM represent African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States.
This agreement replaces the Cotonou agreement signed in 2000, giving more access
for CORIFORUM countries into the EU market. This market access will be more
long-term, it also has provisions for cooperation and development support for
the Caribbean.
Cariforum |
The main Stance:
Jamaica’s foreign affairs and foreign trade minister Senator
Kamina John Smith said recently in the third Jamaica/EU Political Dialogue that
they are seriously considering ways to gain more from the agreement. The
largest trade partner in that bloc of Jamaica is United Kingdom and the
consideration is taking place sideways as many new developments are either
underway. One of which is the pending departure of United Kingdom from European
Union. The Jamaica Senator said that despite their strong relationship with UK,
they want to further enhance the collaboration with EU side by side.
Senator Kamina John Smith |
For the purpose of reviewing steps that can be taken in the
direction, a commission has been established that will look into the
relationships within CARICOM and CARIFORUM structure, the report will be ready
European Union as an agent of Development in Caribbean:
Jamaica’s senator also paid gratitude to EU for its tremendous
help in the development of Jamaica and in turn of Caribbean and in broader
sense in ACP countries. They have also reviewed an EU communiqué which gives
the signal to where the relation of ACP countries and EU stands. The relation
of EU and ACP is very strong and is growing still further. She said that they
want to examine through the commission’s report what can be done to further the
strong tie between the two. Not only this, cargo sectors like sea cargo and air cargo also very important in
building up relations with the countries.
EU & ACP |
Head of the EU delegation appreciated the dialogue between her and
the Senator. According to her these dialogues show commitment between the two
trading regions. Other issues related to trade and apart from trade were also
discussed in the dialogue.
In general the dialogue between the two representatives is very
positive. The discussion points out towards the line on which the two regions
are going to be going in terms of trade. It has also been cleared in the
dialogue that EU in general and UK in specific both are important for Jamaica
or Caribbean or ACP countries at large. As United
Kingdom is the
largest trade partner its importance cannot be ignored and the contribution EU
is making in the development of the ACP region is worth appreciating.
Jamaica & Caribbean |
Another interesting thing to be noted is that
even if UK is going to get separated from EU, the relation between the three is
signaled not to be affected by the separation and will continue to grow. Such
collaborations are very positive for the growth of trade internationally and
they should continue.